Nature saves me

Nature saves me. Over and over again.

In the past, my busy life all but consumed me at times. You get up, you work, you eat, you go to bed. Rinse and repeat.

I was on auto-pilot. The hamster wheel. The rat race.

And it sucked the life right out of me. It diffused my joy. It made me feel confused. Was THIS supposed to be LIFE?

Until I realized, NO. We can't be destined for this. We were made for more. And I was ready for more.

More curiosity, love, creativity, joy, fulfillment and positive impact.

Nature saved me.

You see, it's easy for me to get stuck in my head when I'm indoors -- distracted by the work and to-do lists and technology and other people and demands.

When I'm stuck in my head ... well, as Tony Robbins says, "when you're in your head, you're dead." ;)

But in nature - AHHHH. What a reset moment.

Outside, my senses are activated. My curiosity is sparked. I'm grounded into new energy.

My body calms down. My mind centers. I'm in the moment. THAT moment.

In a state of pure flow and connectedness to nature, I decompress and unravel the stress and complexity of life.

What the heck is happening to me? :)

Allow me to nerd out for a moment. Science proves that spending time in nature reduces your blood pressure, speeds up healing and calms emotions. Getting in green space improves your memory, cognitive flexibility and attentional control (including benefiting ADHD symptoms).

Powerful. And a great reminder on this special day.

If that's not enough to convince you, please accept my friendly challenge:

Go outside! Get curious. Immerse yourself in nature. Disconnect from the human-built world for a while. Get back to your roots.

Tap into the amazing resource just outside your window. Mother Nature is ready to heal, empower and energize you every single day.

Happy Earth Day and Stay Inspired!


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