Shift from overwhelmed to empowered


I have the privilege to empower incredible women who are balancing careers, businesses and babies, and I see a common thread: overwhelm.

Overwhelm is a monster. But it’s a tricky and sneaky monster.

It creeps in over time. Bit by bit by bit. Until one day, you feel like you’re stuck, overloaded and on a hamster wheel. You can’t get off as it goes around and around and around.

This is common, even when you’re going through High Performance Coaching!

There’s a reason coaching lasts for many weeks and personal growth never has an end point.

There’s no magic wand to wave and magically fix overwhelm overnight. (Bummer, huh?)

I shared these words with an overwhelmed entrepreneur and mom of two.

Perhaps other women out there need to hear these words of empowerment, too. ❤


It's OK if you don't know how to do all the things or have it all right now. It's OK if you're tired out and trying to figure out balance. 

No one gave you a handbook for raising tiny humans while growing an empire and maintaining your emotional, mental and physical well-being.

You’re searching for that handbook now. You’re building that handbook as you learn from coaching, books, experiences and experiments.

This doesn't come easy. 

But it's worth it. 

And you got this. How do I know? 

  • You are resourceful.

  • You have the ability to figure it out.

  • You are a lifelong learner and an experimenter.

  • You’re disciplined.

  • You have created more than many women ever dream of or aspire to build.

Reflect back and see what you have created. Show yourself some love. Recognize how much you have accomplished. Remember …

  • How incredible and amazing you are right now.

  • You are enough.

  • You have many blessings.

  • You're worthy of it all, and more.

  • The world is abundant. Your potential is limitless. Your future positive impact is unfathomable at this stage. 🔥

Breathe into it.

Designing a high performance life that makes you feel successful, fulfilled and balanced is possible, but there's no easy button. It's a journey. Enjoy the journey. 

You're on an incredible, difficult, crazy, amazing journey. Don’t seek the easy. Seek the meaning. Because knowing you, if it was too easy, you would search for the challenge anyway.  ❤


Elevate your mood and mental performance


Often ignored but vital self-care practices