Often ignored but vital self-care practices


To feel more balanced and recharged, many of us gravitate towards the usual self-care practices -- exercise, meditation, massage or alone time. But self-care is way more than an occasional spa day.

To practice self-care at a deeper level, focus on your physical, mental and emotional health.

  • Set boundaries with people and say no to what drains your energy, positivity and time. (Ask, “will this challenge energize me or deplete me?”)

  • Practice more empowering self-talk. Instead of saying “ugh, I forgot my wallet again, stupid” (negative) say “I remembered my wallet, and will go back for it” (positive). Remind yourself of "I am worthy. I am enough."

  • Show yourself compassion, give yourself a darn break for making mistakes and set more realistic expectations for your days.

  • Embrace anxiety and fear as normal human emotions, instead of pushing them away or feeling shame.

  • Make decisions that align with your values and authentic truth.

  • Spend time with people who uplift, inspire, challenge and support your growth. Limit time spent with toxic people who suck the life out of you.

  • Let go of your need to control everything. Accept life’s curve balls and let others find their own way, even if it’s not your way.

  • Limit your intake of news and social media that makes you feel less-than awesome or depressed.

  • Ditch the need for perfection. It’s not an attainable standard. Seek growth instead.

  • Give yourself permission to slow down and schedule self-care before anything else.

Make your self-care practices #1 in your schedule and #1 in your mindset.

It’s not selfish. It’s necessary.

If you don’t put gas in your car, you're not driving anywhere.

If you’re just exhausted, "hangry" and stressed 24/7, you’re probably not fueling up either.

And remember, with self-care practices … it’s called PRACTICE for a reason. Keep practicing. See what works for you in each stage of life. Keep trying. You’ll get there.


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Simple habits that make you happier and more fulfilled.